VIP crew member strengthens relationship with the Civil Aviation Board

SANTO DOMINGO.- During a recent visit, the CEO of the Tripulantes VIP Cabin Crew School, Mr. Alfredo Hernández, held a meeting with Mr. Héctor Porcella Duma, President of the Civil Aviation Board, JAC, where it turned out to be a great opportunity to discuss the operation of the JAC and the projects that are being implemented for this year and the next one.

During his visit, Mr. Alfredo highlighted the importance of strengthening national aviation while showing his unconditional support for the Board’s initiatives. “It is essential that the education and training of our cabin crew be aligned with the objectives of civil aviation. At Tripulantes VIP we are committed to preparing the professionals who will raise the quality of service in our country,” said the CEO of the Tripulantes VIP Cabin Crew School, Mr. Alfredo Hernández during the meeting.

This meeting is part of the commitment of Tripulantes VIP to contribute to the development of a stronger and more competitive aviation in the Dominican aviation world, ensuring that future cabin crew receive the best training in our country.

About the Tripulantes VIP academy

Tripulantes VIP is the first and most complete training center for cabin crew in the entire Caribbean area. It is an institution with a high responsibility in operational safety, which instructs its students to offer courteous and respectful treatment to airline passengers.

All of its graduates are trained to respond to the demands of the aeronautical sector worldwide.

The academy has a passenger cabin simulator and all the onboard service equipment for real emergencies.

VIP Crew guarantees, through academic excellence, the training of competent, highly qualified and skilled professionals, capable of generating and leading changes based on ethical values ​​so that they contribute to the development of society and the strengthening of the quality of services in commercial, executive or private airlines in various areas of the national and international aeronautical sector.